Lake NokomisDog Walker & Small Animal Pet Sitter

Taka is a veteran when it comes to animal care taking, he has always had at least three dogs with him for the past 20 years and is frequently fostering dogs for the local animal shelter - his current count being 5. He also is very comfortable with cats and had them until he was in his early 20’s. HIs favorite breed of dog is the Beagle. He says, “while they can be wild and troublemakers at times, they are still a lot of fun”. 

Taka’s favorite part of working with animals is the joy they bring and how rewarding it can be to bring an animal from a not so great environment, and nurture and care for them and slowly start to see their true personality shine. He likes that the relationship with an animal is a partnership, you don’t only take care of them, they also take care of you. 

During his free time, Taka enjoys spending his time cycling such as mountain biking in the summer and fat bike racing in the winter. He also loves to c amp, hike in the woods and garden. When he needs a little R&R, he also enjoys starting a new book and is always looking for new recommendations. Taka and his wife also frequent their favorite restaurant, Farm Table, in Amery, WI. He notes that even though its not the closest to the city, the drive is beautiful and worth it, as the dishes are 10/10. 

The beagle in my picture is Gerald, he is one of the best things to happen in my life.  I used to be a full-time watchmaker working on swiss mechanical watches every day.  I loved the job, but Gerald had changed my life (in amazingly good ways!).  Now I work with CSS and I volunteer for Midwest Animal Rescue & Services, who gave Gerald and me a wonderful chance.  Gerald was my first foster.  He was completely blind when he came to my life.  He was a strong spirit and never gave up living his life.  His favorite thing was spending time with me.  One day, I took him for a camping trip to Temperance River State Park.  He just loved it, we hiked 8 miles a day on Superior Hiking Trail.  Through his life, we walked several sections of Superior Hiking Trail. In 2022, he passed away on a beautiful spring day, but my other dogs keep our tradition going and they also love it.